Welcome to
Fulp Moravian ChurchJoin us every Sunday morning and Wednesday evening for worship!
We are a evangelical, Christian Church proclaiming Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord;
celebrating our faith through worship, fellowship and service.Come celebrate a Christmas Eve Lovefeast with us.
December 24th, 5pm & 7:30 -
Our Motto is: Growing Through God’s Grace
Fulp Moravian Church (.org)
We are an evangelical Christian Church in the Moravian denomination. A church where you will feel welcomed, loved and cared for. Whether you are a life-long Christian or a new believer Fulp Moravian is a church that welcomes all as we worship our Savior and Lord. As you visit our website we hope you will get to know who we are and will choose to come and visit and see for yourself what we have here at Fulp Moravian.
Come join us every Sunday morning & Wednesday evenings! We are located at 1556 US 311 Hwy S, Walnut Cove, NC 27052
Pastor Chuck Harmon
Scheduled Weekly Meetings
Sunday Morning Schedule:
Breakfast & Fellowship – 9:20 am
Sunday School for all ages – 10:00 am
Morning Worship – 11:00 am
Wednesday Evening Schedule:
Dinner & Fellowship (Fall - Spring) – 6:00 pm
Adult Bible Study (kid friendly) – 7:00 - 8:00 pm
Youth Group (all ages welcome) – 7:00 - 8:00 pm
Our Mission Statement:
Fulp Moravian Church is an evangelical, Christian Church proclaiming Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord; celebrating our faith through worship, fellowship and service.
Fulp Moravian Church will be known as an evangelical, Christian Church where:
- Biblical Truth is preserved and proclaimed
- All ages are encouraged to grow spiritually
- Members and friends minister to each other
- We leave a legacy of people who live for Christ
At Fulp Moravian Church we value:
- Bible centered preaching and teaching
- Christian Education for all ages
- Godly leadership
- Prayer
- Developing strong individuals & families that are committed to Jesus Christ
- Sunday School
- Youth Group
- Women's Fellowship
- Prayer Quilt Ministry
- Rockin' Seniors
- Mission Trips
Pastor: Rev. Chuck Harmon
Office Staff: Marsha Agee and Dottie Via.
Director of Children & Youth Ministries: Christiana Craddock
Youth Group Leaders & Assistants:
Youth Group Grades K-5: Christina Craddock, Anna Fry
Youth Group Grades 6-12: Patrick Fry
Choir Director: Jerry Sullivan
Band Director: Phyllis Sullivan
Organ: Vacant, if you can play, please let us know!
Piano: Sharon Cline, Sheree Thomas
Sound: Alan & Laura Fulp
Janitor: Susan Vaden
Moravian Church, Southern Province: www.mcsp.org
Board of World Mission: www.moravianmission.org
Board of Cooperative Ministries: www.moravianbcm.org
Laurel Ridge: www.laurelridge.org
Provincial Ties: www.mcsp.org/newsletter.htm
Ready to be a part of FULP? We want you! Contact us today and Pastor Chuck Harmon will reach back out to you!
Fulp was Est. in
Making Prayer Quilts Since
Quilts YTD
Quilts This Year
Fulp Moravian Church was first started as a Sunday School on May 14, 1893 by Brother James T. Lineback at a meeting place known as Fulp’s Schoolhouse. Twenty-eight were enrolled the first Sunday and an additional thirty were added the second Sunday. Brother Lineback would rider the Norfolk and Western train to Walnut Cove on Saturday and spend Saturday evenings singing songs that were to be used at Sunday School the next day.
The organization of the church began when Dr. Elias Fulp promised land for the church and graveyard. Prior to the establishment of the church, Brothers James T. Lineback, Woosley and C. D. Couch held a series of evangelistic services. On November 11, 1893 Brother Woosley received 12 charter members of Fulp Moravian Church – seven by adult baptism, one by confirmation, and four by letter of transfer from other churches. These first services were conducted in a brush arbor erected in front of the schoolhouse. The arbor had a seating capacity for 350 people.
The first building was 30X 50 feet with an annex in the rear for primary classes. The cornerstone was laid on August 9, 1894. This building was completed in October and was consecrated on October 28, 1894. The church was built under the supervision of Dr. Elias Fulp with the cost being around $1,000.00, of which $495.00 was contributed by members and friends of the Fulp congregation. The Graveyard (God’s Acre) was consecrated after the first funeral – that of sister Melissa E. Powell on December 4, 1894.
For the first 74 years of Fulp’s existence, they shared pastors with other congregations, but in 1967 the church decided to strike out on its own. Reverend John Fry was called to be their first full-time pastor. In order to raise money for a down-payment for a parsonage for the new pastor, several fields of tobacco were grown by the members of the congregation. The church parsonage was built and was dedicated on July 23, 1967. In 1972 Fulp Moravian took a big leap of faith with the purchase and erection of the Fellowship Hall. Much of the material for this building was taken down and transported from High Point, N.C. to its present location. The Fellowship Hall was completed enough that on November 12, 11972 it was consecrated for Fulp’s 79th anniversary. These buildings are the fruit of many, many hours and weeks of life, sweat and labor by the faithful members of Fulp Moravian Church.
In the 1980’s another expansion too place with new offices and bathrooms, a Choir Room, a Parlor, and a new Choir Loft being added to the existing sanctuary.
In November 1993 Fulp celebrated its 100th anniversary of God’s work being done in the community.
The Moravian Church (or Unitas Fratrum [Unity of the Brethren] as it has been officially known since 1457) is recognized as the oldest Protestant denomination. We are an evangelical Protestant denomination committed to keeping our focus on serving Jesus Christ in the World. The Bible, our love for Jesus, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit are seen as essential to the life of a Christian. Moravians emphasize faith as being more of a heart experience rather than a head experience, and a personal experience of God’s love rather than abstract doctrinal arguments and theological foundations. The Moravian Church practices a simple, yet meaningful, approach to faith and life that seeks to emphasize Christian faith, hope and love. Our faith identity is as Christians, followers of Christ, who are affiliated with the Moravian Church as a way of living and expressing our Christian faith. We are Christian first, then Moravians.
While the Moravian Church has it’s own rich history, we recognize no distinction between those who have claimed Jesus Christ as their own personal Savior and Lord.
Men and women, young and old, who are led by the Holy Spirit are invited to join our fellowship of believers and to use their spiritual gifts and talents to assist in deepening one’s own relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ, to have fellowship with other believers, and to seek to spread the Gospel of Christ’s salvation to others. Welcome to what has often been called the Church of the Heart.
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Check out our Blog. Lots of great and encouraging things there…